


的 best data generates more questions and are not, in and of themselves, the full 故事.

WVC is using Rapid Protocol Development (RPD) to create a series of dashboards. 这些 dashboards represent WVC’s first effort at providing transparent program-level data 为教职员工和社区服务. Because of the technical nature of data sources, dashboards are subject to continuous improvement.



评估 is a process meant to help the WVC community assess health and vitality 学科和项目. It includes metrics such as: success rates, FTE, retention, and cost per FTE to allow for a holistic assessment.

Currently, we are working on aligning class CIP codes and student academic plan codes 随着时间的推移,改进仪表板实用程序. 

Please help us dig into the data to identify where codes can be better aligned.

This dashboard focuses on the course prefix 代码是主要的驱动因素.

This dashboard focuses on the federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 代码是主要的驱动因素.



Monitoring reports provide WVC and the community with the ability to see metrics that the college is tracking to meet strategic goals and achieve mission fulfillment. 的 College has four strategic areas that it is focusing on: 教育成就, Diversity and Cultural Enrichment, Responsiveness to Local Needs, and Support for 学习.

This is WVC’s first attempt at presenting these as dashboards. 教育成就 is the first of the four strategic goals. Additional dashboards will be posted for the other strategic goals as they are developed.

This dashboard reports outcomes for a cohort of First-Time-In-College (FTIC) students who were pursuing an associate degree in their first quarter.

It displays the percent of FTIC students by race/ethnicity who successfully complete:

    • College-Level Math and English within the First (Y1) and Second (Y2) Year
    • College Credit Thresholds of 15, 30, and 45 within the First (Y 



这些 data allow WVC to monitor the headcount and FTE on a day-to-day basis.

这些 data allow WVC to closely monitor fill rates for courses to inform decision-making regarding whether to open additional sections.

This is a data table that reports multiple funding sources such as: State, Running 起始和合计.

的 FTE dashboard displays previous and current year FTE by funding source including:

    • 年度比较
    • 年变化
    • 趋势



这些 data provide unduplicated quarterly and annual counts by high school, as well 就像一些人口统计数据.



的 学生人口 Dashboard provides unduplicated student headcounts and full-time equivalents (FTE) across a variety of parameters and demographics. 仪表板允许 a user to select from a list of academic programs, disciplines, student groups, modalities, and locations in addition to specific demographics such as: age group, economic disadvantage, 性别、种族和工作状态. 由此产生的 data are presented graphically by percent with the corresponding data tables below.

This dashboard presents quarterly and annual unduplicated headcounts and FTEs for 一年.

This dashboard presents unduplicated headcounts and FTEs for multiple years.

This dashboard presents a side-by-side set of key metrics for the college at large compared to a single academic program or set of academic programs (e.g.:部门). 这些 data include percent of award-seeking, full-time, female, economically disadvantaged, of color, race/ethnicity, modality, funding source and kind of student.



的 员工的人口 Dashboard provides unduplicated faculty and staff headcounts across a variety of parameters and demographics. 仪表板允许用户进行选择 from a list of employee categorization, job type, and other details in addition to specific demographics such as: age group,  gender, race, and veteran status. 由此产生的 data are presented graphically by percent with the corresponding data tables below.

This dashboard presents quarterly and annual unduplicated headcounts as well as headcounts 随着时间的推移.



Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)